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    Ein Türschild an einer Wand eines Altbaus lädt zum Rundgang ins Studio ein

    Virtual Tour through our Studio

    Google Maps is known for their Street View service. People love its amazing 360-degree-tours around the streets and places all over the world. But there’s something many don’t know about yet: You have the ability to get a sneak-peek inside buildings and venues! This Street View feature allows shops to give potential customers the possibility to get a feel of the shop’s interior and their product range. Big event venues can also profit by allowing a view inside and behind-the-scenes with this virtual tour.


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    Same goes for us: With our new virtual tour through our new studio, you can get a very elaborate behind-the-scenes peek. This is a great opportunity to whoever hasn’t had the chance to meet us and the studio in person. On the other hand, if you’ve been to our new studio before, you might discover some details during the virtual tour, you haven’t seen yet:

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    We are a company that is specialized in 360-degree-video and photography. That’s why we want to give you the possibility to make your own virtual tour of your offices, shops or venues. With our help, you can enhance the experience of your Google Maps entries right now! We’re more than happy to lend you a hand. Not only in creating the necessary pictures, but also in stitching them together. Furthermore, we can easily integrate them into the Google Maps database. That gives you the freedom to just sit back, while we take care of everything else.

    Virtual tours in 360-degrees are important for a transparent corporate communications strategy. They are also a great internal communications tool as well as a true improvement of your company’s Google presence. Though it should be noted that these virtual tours – no matter how amazing and fascinating they are – can’t recreate the experience of having a tour in real life.

    That being said, we invite you to come over to our office. Let’s have a talk about the creation of your very own 360-degree-pictures and tour!


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