Immediate transfer of knowledge. Simply explain complex content with a video from mindnapped. With individual explanatory videos or our exclusive SNAP style.
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Get your explainer video made by an explainer video agency
Our explainer videos convey complex topics in fast-forward style. By all available means of audiovisual communication tailored to your audience, short, concise and brand loyal. An explainer film has been proven to increase longevity, conversion rates, and revenue. Here you are going to find out what is important if you want to create an explainer video.
Explainer video, what is that?
They have many names – info film, explanatory video or simply: explainer video. In a nutshell, explainer videos illustrate complex topics, issues or products. We achieve this through the interaction of text and image. The combination of both makes it particularly easy for the viewer to understand and memorize the content.
Explainers are commonly produced on short notice or in series. That often results in too little time for an individual design. That is why we have developed our own explainer video style “SNAP”. Its predefined design saves time and our customers know what their video will look like right from the start.
Snap’s main color palette is black and white, but is complemented by two (or more) highlight colors. The look is reminiscent of comics, without being too playful or childish. This means it can be used in a wide variety of fields and application areas. Snap is characterized by its clearly defined basic design. But story, CI colors and individual drawings make your Snap video unique.
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Anyone who thinks of explainer videos usually has a short video with funny characters in mind. In fact, the genre has many different forms. Often they build on drawings, but sometimes also on previously recorded video footage. Here is a listing of the most common forms of explanatory videos to make the topic more tangible:
Ultimately, there are no limits to the possibilities of an explainer video. And like every kind of art or design, explainer films are constantly evolving. In the end it is important, that content and form fit and work together.
What are explainer videos used for?
The areas of application are diverse when it comes to the use, as well as to the content of the films. Here are the most important fields of application for explanatory films.
product introduction
online marketing
staff training
process explanation
internal communication
change management
Where are they published?
Explainer films can be published wherever videos are usually distributed.
social media
trade fairs
The planned release location often affects the concept and design of the video. An explainer film for the company’s Youtube channel, for example, can score by coming up with a funny story, while a video for a pitch presentation rather tends to put facts in the foreground.
What use do explainer films have?
Companies that use explainer videos can expect a number of advantages. The benefit of each video depends on what it is used for. Especially complicated products or services are hard to distribute without a video. And that is what distinguishes them.
increase the time of use of the website by 80%
support SEO
supports the sales
How much does an explainer film cost?
The production of videos is a very individual matter. At least we handle it that way. A blanket statement to the price question therefore is not possible for explainer videos either. The effort of implementation is too variable.
The professional creation of an animated explainer video includes conception, script, illustrations, animation, sound effects and the recording by a professional speaker. The price depends on factors such as the degree of detail of the illustrations, the length of the video and the production time for rush orders. Looking at most reputable providers the price packages for an individual 1-2 minute video move within the four-digit range, beyond 2000 euro.
We do not publish prices on our website. That is not because we are very expensive. Rather, we are convinced that consulting always belongs to an offer. If you want to know more about our offer and prices, please contact us without obligation.
At the beginning we ask the classic questions: What is the target audience? What kind of content is to be explained? Where will the film be published? Only by understanding exactly what you want to achieve we can create your custom-tailored explainer video.
In order to be able to support you perfectly, our experienced team of authors will conduct a detailed preliminary discussion with you. Building on this, we work out the concept for your explainer video and propose a suitable implementation. The goal: based on the storytelling, the content is conveyed in a way that it will be remembered.
In the visual implementation, we take your design specifications into account, for example in form of a style guide or a corporate design. We can do that because our films are always made individually, specifically for you. No mass-produced video but finest customization.
The second step right after conception is therefore the illustration, using so-called style frames of individual scenes to start off. Only if these have been accepted by our client we begin to animate the explanatory film. Also the style of animation differs from one production to another.
After all animations are completed, we will add sound to them. To do this, you can choose a professional speaker from our speaker library to breathe life into the film. Not to forget, of course, the individual sound effects that can be used to accentuate the movements and contents of the film in a variety of playful ways.
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