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    gruppe von freiwilligen bei cop23

    Successful: Social Media Video from Climate Conference

    No major event without accompaniment in the social media – preferably in the form of social media video content. Modern people are networked and not only want to be informed at all times, they also want to share their experiences with others. That’s why social media platforms are playing an increasingly important role in the marketing mix. Different target groups can be reached and motivated to act there. The production of emotional content is particularly important, because emotions move. This is where we can contribute our entire experience in film production to emotionally attract viewers and thus create the basis for a successful video content campaign. We were able to demonstrate our expertise for the UN at this year’s climate summit in Bonn.

    cop23 abschlussveranstaltung freiwillige rede

    At the end of the COP23 climate conference in Bonn, the volunteers had their own farewell ceremony.

    The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was founded 25 years ago and is still one of the most important agreements for the protection of our planet. The aim of the organisation is to slow down global warming through the greenhouse effect. At the same time, it is committed to mitigating damage that has already occurred. This year’s climate summit took place at the main location in Bonn. In order to cope with this organisational and logistical achievement, volunteers from almost every country in the world were deployed.

    Video production – our mission

    As part of the project, we were commissioned to document the work of the volunteers in several videos. In addition to the cinematic realization and post-production, we were also responsible for the conception of the videos. For the filming we were on the way on the conference grounds and could observe the varied work of the volunteers there. Our interview partners included Patricia Espinosa, Secretary General of the UNFCCC and volunteers from all over the world.

    In order to capture as many impressions as possible, we shot with several cameras at the same time. This also had a positive effect on the post-production. We could fall back on a large number of exciting and varied pictures, which is reflected in the finished clips.

    kameramann bei klimakonferenz

    Our Camera on duty.


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    Film as video content – distribution on the social net

    In the course of the two-week event, we made a total of 7 videos available for publication. UNV and UNFCCC distributed the videos on various platforms including Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. There the clips were diligently shared, licked and commented by the users. On Facebook alone there were more than 2500 Likes and 350 Shares for the most successful video. The feedback of the community was very positive.


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    In addition to their use in social media, two of the films were screened at the ceremony for the helpers in the former plenary hall in Bonn. Not only our customer was enthusiastic, but also the helpers themselves. We had a lot of fun at work and are proud of our contribution to the success of the social media campaign, which carried the topic of volunteer work for climate protection further out into the world.

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